Things I will miss about London:
- Taking the Night Bus, and watching the sidewalk disappear as we turn a corner
- That lovely automated woman's voice telling us not to stand on the stairs on a one story bus
- Old British people- Sheila, Norman, that sweet guys reading the paper at MacDonald's
- Hyde Park and Regents Park
- Piccadilly Circus
- The Duke of York, Earl of Camden (London's finest royalty)
- The student discount. Really gonna miss that.
- Our washing machine that sounds like a plane taking off whenever its running
- The adorable well behaved puppies in the park
- Cadbury mini-eggs. Like year round as opposed to just as Easter.
- Galaxy Bars. 79 pence for a kingsized bar. It's amazing.
- Strongbow. nuff said.
- Romel and the adorable woman in our canteen.
- The Lovestruck section of The London Paper. Such a good indulgence
- Waitrose. I love grocery stores. Who knew?
- Seeing plays on a regular basis
- The walk to school.
- The Sign Language interpreter who occasionally appears at the bottom of the screen.
- The walk to school.
- The lack of Mexican food.
- Trying to fit four people's worth of groceries into a mini fridge
- Taxis who don't care about pedestrians
- Dirty Dishes
- The tiles on the street that aren't secured down and trip you up on your walk
- Not being aloud into playgrounds. I need a swing set very badly.
- The infuriating British stubbornness when it comes to rules. Even ones that make no sense
- Only having four channels on the TV, tho it's funny when the German one comes in.
- Topping up my Oyster Card- just drains money
- No iced tea!!!!
- British nutrition facts. I have no idea how they work!
- My angry, angry neighborhood.
- Knowing exactly where each and every spring is in my mattress.
you're not allowed into parks? This is Labour treachery, no doubt.